Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Away with the Gal Pals

After trying my hand at my artistic side last week, this week I opted for a weekend away with some girlfriends for my soon to be SIL's bachelorette party. I have to say, it was one of the best weekends I have had in a very long time. There was lots of drinking, laughs, and online dating horror stories (many of them met their current bf's, fiance's and hubby's online) that helped me relax and get back to my true self.
We first went to a show where four men dressed in drag decided to have a bachelorette party and pulled the actual bachelorettes in the crowd onto the stage. It was fun and racy and everything a girls' night should be.
We then went for dinner and drinks at a little mexican restaurant, which was delish but barely had an AC going.
Afterwards we went back to the club and danced the night away to the sounds of an amazing cover band called Digital Getdown (you can find them here). They covered the music of my generation, which I absolutely loved (Nsync, BSB, NKOTB) as well as some old school hip hop. It was an amazingly fun time and aside from the douchebaggery from some weird guy wearing a vest who tried to dance in the middle of our circle (whothefuckareyou?! lol...) and another young lad in a striped shirt who kept bumping into me and my sis and spilling his beer on my feet (like eww!) we had an amazingly good time dancing and sweating our asses off for two hours.
It was drama free and super fun, and an excellent way to reclaim and celebrate your Happy and Single-dom. :)
So, if you haven't done this, I highly suggest it! It's a great confidence boost when you can plan a girl's trip to do something fun, grab dinner, and do something even more fun afterward!
Now, go forth and be HAPPY!

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